Overcoming Social Anxiety Related to Weight: Finding Confidence and Connection

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Overcoming Social Anxiety Related to Weight: Finding Confidence and Connection

Self Care

Social anxiety is an all-too-common struggle for many people, particularly when it relates to weight and body image. The fear of judgment, the feeling of being out of place, and the constant worry about how others perceive you can be overwhelming. At Breakthrough M2, we understand these pain points deeply and are here to help you find the confidence and connection you deserve! 

The Pain Points: Relatable Everyday Struggles 

Imagine this: You’ve been invited to a social gathering, but instead of excitement, you’re filled with dread. The thought of navigating a room full of people, many of whom you believe are silently judging your appearance, makes you want to decline the invitation. You spend hours agonizing over what to wear, hoping to find something that makes you feel comfortable and confident, but nothing seems right. 

At the event, you find yourself avoiding conversations, standing on the sidelines, and feeling invisible. Every glance in your direction feels like a critique, and every laugh sounds like it’s at your expense. This anxiety not only robs you of the joy of social interactions but also reinforces feelings of isolation and low self-esteem. 

The Transformation: Imagine Overcoming These Struggles 

Now, imagine a different scenario. You walk into that same social event feeling confident and self-assured. You’re wearing an outfit that makes you feel great, and you’re no longer concerned about what others think. You engage in conversations effortlessly, laugh freely, and truly enjoy the company around you. 

Instead of avoiding social interactions, you embrace them. You feel a genuine connection with others and experience the joy of being part of a community. Your newfound confidence allows you to fully participate in life, breaking free from the chains of social anxiety and embracing a happier, healthier you. 

The Solution: Breakthrough M2 Can Help You Get There 

At Breakthrough M2, we believe that everyone deserves to feel confident and connected. Our program is designed not just to help you lose weight but to transform your relationship with yourself and others. Here’s how we can help you overcome social anxiety related to weight: 

  1. Simple Eating Guide: Our weight loss program provides a guide on how to eat simply and healthily. This approach makes it easy to follow and integrate into your daily routine. After reaching your goal, it’s simple to adjust your portions and upleveled variety of healthy foods leading to sustainable weight loss and increased confidence. 
  2. Holistic Approach: We focus on overall well-being, not just the numbers on the scale. By improving your energy levels, mood, and sleep quality, you’ll feel more confident and better equipped to handle social situations. 
  3. Supportive Community: Joining Breakthrough M2 means becoming part of a supportive community- a community that’s truly a safe place to share where you’re at. You’ll connect with others who understand your journey and can offer encouragement and advice.  
  4. Expert Guidance: Our experienced coaches are here to guide you every step of the way. They’ll provide you with the tools and strategies to lose the weight, feel better and build self-confidence naturally!  
  5. Transformative Habits: Our program helps you develop healthy habits that become second nature. As you adopt these habits, you’ll notice a positive shift in your self-perception, social interactions and long-term wellness!  

Take the First Step Towards Confidence and Connection 

Don’t let social anxiety related to weight hold you back any longer. With Breakthrough M2, you have the opportunity to transform your life, gain confidence, and build meaningful connections. Our program is not a quick fix but a journey towards lasting change and a healthier, happier you. 

Ready to take the first step? Join us today and discover the Breakthrough M2 difference. Sign up for our program and start your journey towards overcoming social anxiety, finding confidence, and connecting with others. 


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Real People. Real Success.

We believe in the program so much we have done it ourselves!

Founder of Alula Wellness, Nan Jenkins, was Our First Client way back in 2011. Since her success in her journey she has dedicated her life to helping others lose weight and exceed their health goals.

Hundreds of people have completed the Breakthrough M2 program and you can too!

Ray J. lost 92 lbs

in 110 days & went from size 42 to size 32 pants

“This program is life changing! The office team and the support system of the entire Breakthrough family (on Facebook) held me accountable and enabled my success on this program. I lost 92lbs in less than 4 months. My pre-diabetic sugar levels are now normal, my fatty liver reversed, and my cholesterol levels & ratios are excellent! Thank you BTM2 family!”

Thomas M. lost 25 lbs

in 50 days

“I was a skeptic in the beginning until I committed myself to try the program for at least 30 days. I stayed focused on the goal and meal prepped, meal prepped and meal prepped! I am no longer snoring, no more acid reflux, no acne, & had my BP medication reduced. I just feel better!”

Dawn Marie D. lost 112 lbs

in 7 months & went from a size 28 to a 14!

“Absolutely amazing program with incredible support! The tools this program teaches you stay with you if you choose to want a healthy, wonderful lifestyle! I can’t imagine getting here without Breakthrough M2! I’m so grateful for this program. Keep the faith and you can do this!”

Debbie B. lost 24 lbs

in 63 days

“Nothing better than the quick rewards and reinforcement when losing weight fast and safely. What a blessing to have been directed to Nan and her Breakthrough M2 program. Fantastic support, program organization, features and benefits and so affordable. The results are amazing and I am proud of myself for succeeding & reaching my goal! “

Cindy T. lost 21 lbs

in 58 days

"I feel amazing! I used to just have my husband take photos from waist up or I would crop them…now I am loving the full body photo! I can cook my own food within their specifications. I enjoyed talking to my coach every week. I love the heart of Nan and the staff! This really works!

Kristina M. lost 102 lbs

in 7 months

“The Breakthrough M2 Program is amazing, and it changed my life. I never thought I would be able to look or feel as good as I do, but with hard work and determination, I made it! I lost over 100 pounds with this program, and gained my confidence back.”

Cathy R. lost 70 lbs

in 220 days, losing 45 inches & going down 5 sizes!

“I am truly amazed with this program. I have slowly gained weight since I turned 40 and tried half a dozen diets. Nothing worked until now. I’m now 47 and a half. 5 ft 7 and 135 lbs and a size 6 !!!!”

Carol R. lost 33 lbs

and 26 inches in 82 days

“This plan is amazing! Such a simple to follow lo-cal regime, and a total recharge and awareness of mind, body and food connections. I truly believe this is the last diet I will ever be on. (At 68 years old it was about time!) My excema, dry skin, and brittle nails, that have plagued me since my childhood, are gone! Love Breakthrough M2, the plan, the staff, the research and the support!”

Kayla H. lost 80 lbs

in 7 months, going from size XL to a small!

“I was unhappy with my self image for a long time, but the Breakthrough M2 Program was an absolute life saver. My self confidence is back, and I can actually say that I am finally happy with how I look and feel. All my aches and pains have gone away, and I have never felt better! This program is the best thing I have ever done, and I am so happy that I was able to change my life forever.”

Deborah D. lost 21.2 lbs

in 49 days

“Breakthrough M2 helped me get past my weight loss plateau and get to the lowest weight I have been in over 20 yrs.!!! (lower than College and even my senior year of high school)!!! & surpassing my goal weight!! I can now fit a Medium from a size 2X clothing!! Gave me a reason to go shopping!! I love the way I look and feel in my clothes now!!”

JoEllen L. lost 41.4 lbs

and went from a size 16 to a 12!

“I am so blessed to have been introduced to Breakthrough. Thanks to a dear friend that shared it with me. I had very bad stomach issues and after the first week until now I have never been sick!! I have never felt so healthy and thanks to the program and my coach I am on the right track.”

Mallory B. lost 70 lbs

in 191 days and went from a size 14 to a 4!

“When I started this journey, my goal was to lose 50 lbs- I was hopeful, yet skeptical. Fast forward 5 months and I can whole-heartedly say that this program was successful and life changing for me in more ways than I can count. It gave me the structure I needed and a plan that I could incorporate into my daily routine. Some days were easy, and others I struggled to follow the simple rules set before me. While it’s been an emotional rollercoaster, I’ve gained confidence, energy, self esteem and relearned that it’s okay to put myself first!“

Diane L. lost 52 lbs

in 130 days going from a size 18 to an 8!

“This is the only program where I dropped more than 12 pounds.I feel better overall with more energy and less aches. I tried everything from WW to keto. I love Breakthrough M2!”

Maggie S. lost 65 lbs

in 170 days, going from a size 18 to an 8!

“I have struggled to lose weight my whole life. I reached my goal of 135 pounds for the first time since my wedding day 38 years ago. I now have no more reflux, better quality of sleep & my mobility has improved!”

Frank B. lost 62 lbs

in 110 days, going from a size 40” pant to a 34”!

“I was in a place I no longer wanted to be. My blood pressure had consistently been high for the last year, my doctor told me I was a walking heart attack and to start a regimen of medication. I knew I had to make changes as I didn’t want to be imprisoned by medication, plugged into a CPAP machine or fall asleep when I sat down to relax. I started BTM2 & have lost 62 lbs, have energy again, don’t use the CPAP machine as I don’t need it & my blood work shows all numbers down. No regrets!”

Ann W. lost 56 lbs

in 112 days, going from a size 20 to a 14!

“I am amazed how well I did on this program because of its simplicity. This is the first time that I was able to lose 56 pounds in such a short period of time without any exercise. It took dedication and commitment but seeing the weight loss gave me the motivation to continue. I am able to move better such as walking up and down stairs & I have no more acid reflux! I feel amazing and overall better about myself.”

Brenda F. lost 65 lbs

in 110 days going from a size 20 to a 14!

“I have lost 65 pounds in total!!!! Yeehaw! I’m so happy from size 20 to a comfortable 14! I can now wear the ring my hubby gave me when we were first dating 22 yrs ago and I have donated 3 bags full of clothes that are too big!❤! I have found a whole new outlook on life! This program has been a complete game changer! I’m living my best life and I couldn’t have done it without all of you! Thank you and cheers to all of our success! Go Breakthrough!☺️”

Mobile App Incoming

We’re upgrading our online dashboard so you can take it on the go. You’ll get immediate access to your own personal dashboard and app login with every Breakthrough M2 package.

You’ll be able to schedule calls with your coach, explore community recipes, and take part in our Kudos board.

Get excited. Its okay to play on your phone at dinner again.