I was once given some advice when I was taking on a mission for social justice organizing a few years ago. A friend and colleague who shared my vision and passion for community organizing gave the advice to me. It served me so well for the project I was taking on and it was also powerful advice for all things important in life. The advice was so simple, yet so profound. She said, “Peter, don’t do this alone.”
So true, so powerful. In most areas of life we would be better off making connection, seeking and enrolling others in our projects or missions. Connect with the people in our lives for support, for alliance, for accountability.
Whatever goals we may have, we’re better served if we “don’t do this alone.” For those of us who have taken on the goal of losing significant weight, we’re more likely to succeed and maintain our weight loss goals if we “don’t do this alone.” Weight loss, transformational behaviors in nutrition and fitness, can be achieved easier and better with the support of family and friends.
Family can be defined any way that best supports us. Blood relatives of course are considered family. But biological relatives don’t necessarily provide the support needed. In fact sometimes our relatives can be part of the patterns of behavior that led to weight issues in the first place. So we need to choose our “family of support” carefully, with forethought. Reach out to those people in your life who will truly support your weight loss goals. Make sure they will listen and provide unconditional support. Also, make sure they will help you to be accountable to your goals and to yourself.
Once we enroll family or friends in our significant personal growth goals in one important area of our lives (i.e. weight loss) we can use that model of support to take on any area of life we want to transform. Part of making positive change is stating our goals out loud to ourselves and to our family of support. It will help us stay focused on our goals and it will help us to be accountable to our goals.
Enrolling your family of support means you won’t be in it alone. You will have the connection and support you need to succeed. Try it for yourself.
You’re not alone. Powerful.
By Peter “Coach Pete” Heymann of break / through career and life coaching