The COVID 15. It’s real, and it’s affecting people across the world! It’s not such a surprising idea that people everywhere are experiencing weight gain during COVID-19; after all, most of our lives have been upturned by new routines, less activity, and stress factors beyond belief. When it comes down to it, weight loss and preventing weight gain can be tough even without a pandemic going on. So many of us struggle with weight loss when everything is seemingly “normal”.
Yet here we are, plopped in the middle of social distancing. In some places, the gyms are closed, or we’ve decided to make less trips out to the supermarket. Perhaps we’re also now working remotely, which can mean we aren’t getting up and moving like we used to. Add in a sprinkle of employment uncertainty, remote-learning for the working parents out there, and a political and economic climate that has all of us frazzled – well really it’s not a surprise we’re struggling with our mental and physical health.
The Quarantine 15 – Why some of us can’t shake the pandemic weight gain from the Mayo Clinic.
Weight Gain During COVID-19 – Taking Back Control
Mental health and weight control go hand in hand, even when the world climate is going relatively smoothly. Medical professionals now though, are reporting higher instances of weight gain associated with the pandemic. So many of us are no longer heading out to lunch, or talking a quick walk on our breaks. No more stairs to scale at the office, and for some, even a quick trip down the hall to the printer is out of the question. So how can we take back a little bit of ourselves and focus on staying healthy during the pandemic? Below are some tips to help conquer the weight loss challenges that COVID-19 has dumped on our doorsteps.
- Find your new routine and stick to it – Whether you’ve been battling weight loss all your life, or the current affairs have you in a new mental headspace that makes your weight an issue for you, it’s important to find a plan and stick to it. The Breakthrough M2 program aims to set you up for success by changing the way you think and feel about weight loss. You start your morning with routines that help you stay successful all day. Boost your confidence, reaffirm everyday that you can do this, and reach out to a group of friends and supporters that can help keep you on track.
- Establish new habits – It’s easy to jump on grubhub and get food delivered right to your home. Plan ahead, do a menu for the week, order your groceries online and make one trip a week to the store to get good, healthy, nutrient packed foods that can help keep you full and keep your mind off food that isn’t so great for you.
- Be patient and kind to yourself – You aren’t alone in this new challenge, and you have the power and strength to beat your current weight loss struggles. Changing the way we feel about food, and learning proper portion sizes, knowing how to pick the very best foods for your weightloss journey, and understanding how to eat to feel good takes time. It doesn’t happen overnight and we all have a lot going on right now. Be kind to yourself, remember you can do this, and know there are people out there that are there to do it with you.

Photo by Scott Warman on Unsplash Changing your habits is tough, but we know you can do it! Set yourself up for success and give yourself ample time to plan out menus, order your groceries, and stick to your meal plan. Nurturing yourself with quality, nutrient rich foods will help keep you full while you fight back the pandemic weight gain.
- Remember your budget – Home cooking is almost always healthier and more nutritious for you then eating out. Not only do you know where your food is coming from and how it was prepared, but your wallet will thank you, too. Planning out your menu for the week and ordering it to be delivered or picked up not only saves you money due to restaurant prices, but it stops you from impulse buys as you walk through the store.
- Get your sleep! – Lockdown and staying home are actually messing with our sleep patterns. Quality sleep is imperative to every facet of our physical and mental health, and it’s important we get enough of it. Anxiety and depression are way up, and that can cause insomnia in many people. Take the right steps to ensure you’re getting good sleep. Lack of quality sleep can impact your weight loss efforts, too!
- Physical activity – Heavy physical activity on our program isn’t encouraged, but getting out and stretching your legs absolutely is! We sometimes take for granted being able to move around our place of work. The mere act of going for a 30 minute walk can help keep our bodies working the way they’re supposed. Leading a totally sedentary lifestyle is harmful to our bodies and minds. Get some fresh air, soak up some vitamin D, and you’ll notice improvements in your spirits.
We totally hear you – weight gain during the pandemic is just seemingly another course of bad luck. But it doesn’t have to stick with you, and you have the power to conquer this new reality. If you’re ready to change the way you look at food, and you’re ready to go on the last weight loss program you’ll ever need, reach out. We’re here to help you succeed!