TGIF!! Why do people look forward to the weekend so much?
Work is over and now it’s time for play! You can go out to a restaurant or order take out. Do some fun activities with friends or family. The weekend is free time to unwind and enjoy what you want, when you want.
Weekends can get very tricky for people who are on a diet. You can call it “Weekend Withdrawal” if you will. The fun things that people are used to doing on the weekends may have to be put on hold while making their healthy life shift.
The Breakthrough M2 program bares wonderful results for people who work the plan. Staying consistent and determined, even on the weekend, is important because it helps your body & mind flow with the healthy momentum and physical shifts you worked so hard to achieve during the week!
Nobody wants to diet forever… Below, read 5 Weekend Success Tips to help you stay on track mentally, emotionally and physically!
Have these tips given you more motivation or perspective on how you can be a Weekend Warrior?
My final tip for you today is to find new, healthy things to do on the weekend if the old things are conflicting with your goals. Here is an example list of things you can do:
- Take a bath with epsom salt & essential oils. Self Care is always an awesome option!
- Get crafty & start a new puzzle or an adult paint by number!
- Clear your mind & take a leisurely walk in nature.
- Get your chef on and make some new recipes!
- Watch a movie with a nice bowl of free food!
- Visit your local Zoo or Aquarium.
- Read a really good book.
- Go Bowling!
- Take a nap!
Comment below with any more Weekend Success Tips or Weekend Things to Do that you may have for other M2 members.
I hope you enjoyed this picture blog! I am wishing you continued wellness & success as you kick a** on your health journey! Have a beautiful day!