Many people do not believe that just one extra bread stick or a half glass of wine “could possibly stop progress.” Well it does. When you are using the Breakthrough M2 supplement, you highly capable of cleaning/storing fat, hence the load up days. You are also able to use that fat or sugar/carbs more readily. SO, if you add extra ______________ (you fill in the blank), your progress could be slowed down because your body will use what is up front and available and not go into your storage areas to pull from there.
Cheating on this diet
Cheating on this diet
Real People. Real Success.
We believe in the program so much we have done it ourselves!
Founder of Alula Wellness, Nan Jenkins, was Our First Client way back in 2011. Since her success in her journey she has dedicated her life to helping others lose weight and exceed their health goals.
Hundreds of people have completed the Breakthrough M2 program and you can too!
Mobile App Incoming
We’re upgrading our online dashboard so you can take it on the go. You’ll get immediate access to your own personal dashboard and app login with every Breakthrough M2 package.
You’ll be able to schedule calls with your coach, explore community recipes, and take part in our Kudos board.
Get excited. Its okay to play on your phone at dinner again.