Home 5 Product 5 Set of Weekly BTM2 Photo Stamp Sheets

Set of Weekly BTM2 Photo Stamp Sheets

Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $10.00.

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Want to track your weekly progress?

How about seeing your body transform in real time?

Would you like to create a personalized album of your weight loss journey?

Then this set is for you!

Don’t have a printer?

Ran out of ink?

No paper?

We took care of it for you!

Included in this set:

  • 22 Photo Stamp Sheets printed in color on cardstock
    • [13] Sheets for weeks 0 – 12
    • [1] Blank Sheet
    • [1] Step 2 Results Sheet
    • [6] Transition Sheets
    • [1] Program Completion Sheet

Use these Photo Stamp Sheets when taking your weekly photos.

Document your weight loss to wellness journey by uploading the photos to your dashboard.


Enjoy looking back at what YOU accomplished!










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Mobile App Coming Soon

We’re upgrading our online dashboard so you can take it on the go. You’ll get immediate access to your own personal dashboard and app login with every Breakthrough M2 package.

You’ll be able to schedule calls with your coach, explore community recipes, and take part in our Kudos board.

Get excited. Its okay to play on your phone at dinner again.