Home 5 Product 5 Ultra Colon Cleanse + Detox

Ultra Colon Cleanse + Detox

Original price was: $16.00.Current price is: $12.00.

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BTM2’s Ultra Colon Cleanse + Detox is gentle enough to be taken daily, while being strong enough to cleanse the colon effectively.

Ultra Colon Cleanse + Detox supports:

  • cleansing and detoxification of the colon
  • peristalsis to encourage consistent bowel movements
  • healthy digestion
  • increased nutrient absorption

Supplement information:

  • Marshmallow root – helps with constipation
  • Persimmon fruit – helps regulate bowel movements
  • Blessed thistle – soothes intestinal wall
  • Milk thistle – improves the breakdown and elimination of chemicals and toxins
  • Aloe vera – known for its detoxification abilities, acts as a gentle laxative, and is regarded as a very effective colon cleanser
  • Lactobacillus acidophilus – helps balance the colon wall specifically targeting inflammation in the colon
  • 30 day supply
  • 60 capsules
  • Adults, take 2 capsules in the morning or at night with 8 ounces of water (may add a third capsule per day, based on individual need)

Always consult your health care provider when considering supplements.

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