If you are looking for the perfect Halloween candy, keep looking! Fighting those Halloween candy cravings can be tough. Do you know that kids get...
BTM2 Inspiration
Healthy Eating With Kids
Eating healthy and losing weight when you have kids can be a challenge, but here are a few tips on how to make it happen.
#1 – Info requested for a life reboot!
We are excited to partner up with you on your weight loss journey! Over the next few days, we will send you everything you need to make an educated...
#2 – Our Secret Sauce – your Secret Weapon!
One of the biggest questions we receive is: WHAT'S IN THE DROPS? So, Nan, the founder, and owner of Breakthrough M2 Inc made this video to explain...
#3 – Our Client Success rate is amazing!
We love the community we have built! Our private Facebook group is a safe place to have ups and downs, victories, or temporary defeats. And when...
#4 – Good Habits = Sustainable results!
We make the claim that we are the diet company that wants our clients to STOP dieting. Sustainable weight loss is everyone's goal - YOURS and OURS! ...
#5 – 20-25 pounds in 5-6 weeks – NO really!
Listen, this is our 5th point of contact and you still haven't signed up for your phone consult? What's holding you back? What do you have to lose...
#6 – We are here for you!
Today's video is a great example of how we will help support you in making mental and/or emotional changes that will impact your decisions so you...
Worry, fear, anxiety…definitely not needed!
Worry, fear, anxiety. These mental and emotional patterns will always be a part of all our lives as long as we are human! But how much of it...
Real People. Real Success.
We believe in the program so much we have done it ourselves!
Founder of Alula Wellness, Nan Jenkins, was Our First Client way back in 2011. Since her success in her journey she has dedicated her life to helping others lose weight and exceed their health goals.
Hundreds of people have completed the Breakthrough M2 program and you can too!