a/k/a the "S" Word Let’s talk about sugar and other dirty words. Did you know that our bodies, the human body only needs about 3 teaspoons of...
BTM2 Inspiration
We Do Not Have To Choose Regret
I have so many reasons to be grateful for the life, love, and support I have around me every day. I try to always make it a point to remember, even...
Weight Loss is a Guiltless Goal
In each week’s Breakthrough newsletter, I sign off with the phrase, “health is a journey not a goal.” I live by that phrase, and am so happy to have...
Taking other vitamins or supplements while on this program
Ok, so Dr. Simeons always told his patients to stop all other vitamins and supplements while on the HCG protocol. Our food supply is different now...
Cheating on this diet
Many people do not believe that just one extra bread stick or a half glass of wine "could possibly stop progress." Well it does. When you are using...
Carb and Sugar Detox
Yes - I meant to put "detox." Carbs and sugar are extremely addictive. Processed carbohydrates convert to sugar in the body plus we are eating...
Are you cold?
Being cold when you are on a low calorie diet is very common. I have found that one of the most effective ways to combating this is to do squats....
Tips to make this program easier
Buy large packages of meat, weigh out, cook (when possible, I wouldn't pre-cook hamburgers, but if I wanted ground beef or taco meat I would...
Real People. Real Success.
We believe in the program so much we have done it ourselves!
Founder of Alula Wellness, Nan Jenkins, was Our First Client way back in 2011. Since her success in her journey she has dedicated her life to helping others lose weight and exceed their health goals.
Hundreds of people have completed the Breakthrough M2 program and you can too!